Solares Architecture

About Solares
Solares is a Toronto-based architecture firm specializing in sustainable residential design. Since our founding in 2005, we have earned a reputation as experts in energy efficiency and building science. Fully licensed by the Ontario Association of Architects (OAA), we focus on custom residential new builds and major renovations across Ontario.

Our complete turnkey process guides you through every stage of creating your custom home, from the first ideas to the final move-in day. We believe the fundamentals of sustainability are passive solar design, an airtight and ultra-insulated building envelope, and high-quality construction.

Solares Architecture was founded by Tom Knezic and Christine Lolley. After graduating from the University of Waterloo School of Architecture, they were asked by Christine’s parents to design them a home for their rural property. The two agreed and designed a house that was at the forefront of sustainable design. When no local builders were up for the task, Christine and Tom built it themselves!

The finished home was everything they aimed for: delightful, comfortable, efficient, and durable. After completion, Tom and Christine celebrated their marriage there! The experience was so significant that they resolved to start their own, “Solar residential” firm, to provide others with similar meaningful experiences and beautiful, sustainable homes.

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada

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