Outside-In House in Philadelphia / ISA – Interface Studio Architects
Located in a developing edge neighborhood of Philadelphia, Outside-In House presents a modest facade to the street while concentrating value on the interior.
Located in a developing edge neighborhood of Philadelphia, Outside-In House presents a modest facade to the street while concentrating value on the interior.
The Linea apartment was completed in 2018 in Suharekë, Kosovo, and it contains a surface of 174m2. The contrast between black and light pink is all that characterizes this home.
Casco Loft is an interior design project developed by FABRICations for one of the Superlofts Houthaven, in Amsterdam. The three stories dwelling takes advantage of the flexibility of the structure to deliver an innovative experience of a housing interior
On this project we chose to give special attention to hallways. While bedrooms and living rooms are always getting careful treatment in design, hallways and corridors are many times left untouched …
Upon entering the door, you can see a row of white cabinets floating. On the right, there is an open cabinet where you can place coats and temporary items when going home and below which is the storage space reserved for the baby carriage.
In the operation of the space, first we have to analyze the diverse actions. KC Studio propose homogeneity, time, and height. The examples of homogeneity include the kitchen and the dining table, which are with the consistent functions.
The 70 sqm apartment designed for a young couple, consists basically of a unique volume of “Pau Ferro” wood that houses almost all the functional spaces of the apartment
The Box Loft was commissioned while the building was being built, so the apartment was left an empty shell without anything else than the structure for us to design it with maximum freedom.