Enchanting Farmhouse Design in Israel by Henkin Shavit
The farmhouse design combined a program with existing sloped land topography, on a long and narrow lot measuring 0.5 acres. The house is a complex which connects two single story “houses”
The farmhouse design combined a program with existing sloped land topography, on a long and narrow lot measuring 0.5 acres. The house is a complex which connects two single story “houses”
An existing 30-yr Californian farmhouse was used as an exterior shell and the interior was renovated like Theseus’ ship, piece by piece, until it was totally new.
Located in a small valley of Vallés in Catalonia, this Spanish farmhouse was reborn a few years ago with the creation of horse stable linked to the property. The starting point for the grand renovation was a three-floor building with austere structure and following the lower height buildings added throughout the time around it.
The Reddish residence responds to the site by acting as a moderator between interior spaces and the landscape. Arcades, overhangs, courtyards and site walls articulate that relationship. An arcade marked by a gesture to the street bisects an entry courtyard.
This home is part of a co-housing community in rural Virginia and is located on a steeply sloping site with distant mountain views. This modern farmhouse retreat is a modern interpretation of the traditional white clapboard farmhouse and red barn that populate the neighboring countryside.
Just south of San Francisco, this modern bohemian home endured a complete transformation with its most extreme conversions redefining the entry to the house as well as adding a level of uniformity to the exterior façade.
The farmhouse retreat for an urban developer integrates minimalist elements into a modest 1850’s farmhouse. Over the years, well-intentioned accretions—ornamental dormers, an incongruous addition, and a cavernous porch—had cloaked the house in a dog’s dinner.
Montauk, NY, resembles many other small seaside communities. However, it possesses unique characteristics that imprint lasting memories. The weather is unpredictable with banks of heavy fog and gusty winds.