Canyon View Residence / Brunner Architecture

Canyon View Residence / Brunner Architecture

Project: Canyon View Residence
Architecture: Brunner Architecture
Lead Architects: Martin Brunner
Lead Team: Martin Brunner, Jeff Bicknell, Stephen Gardner
Location: Joshua Tree, California, United States
Area: 2100 ft2
Year: 2023
Photo Credits: Lance Gerber

Located in the tranquil community of Joshua Tree, Southern California, Brunner Architecture designed the Canyon View Residence as a serene family retreat. The clients, who have long enjoyed the local culture and landscape of Joshua Tree, sought a home to deepen their connection with this beloved area.

Site Selection and Integration with Nature

The property, chosen for its solitude and proximity to nature, offers sweeping vistas of the Mojave Desert to the north and breathtaking views of Joshua Tree National Park to the south. Dominated by a boulder-strewn hillside with dramatic peaks and ancient watershed canyons, the south provides direct access to endless trails through pristine natural landscapes.

Design Philosophy and Environmental Considerations

The architects strategically placed the residence to maximize these views and address the environmental challenges of the arid desert region. The home faces south to capture the most desirable views and benefits from passive solar heating during the winter months. It also shields itself from the north, protecting against the cold winter winds that are common in the area. This orientation enhances both comfort and energy efficiency.

Architecture and Living Spaces

A natural wash that flows seasonally defines the southern boundary of the property, creating a subtle ridgeline. Here, the landscape drops away, offering unobstructed views of the hillside. This ridge leads to a large outcropping of boulders and native vegetation, which anchors the home and serves as the dramatic backdrop for the primary living space.

Privacy and Connectivity

The design of the residence accommodates family gatherings while providing spaces for individual privacy and quiet reflection. The architects placed and oriented the bedrooms carefully. Each bedroom provides access to a dedicated patio, allowing family members and guests to enjoy private moments with expansive natural views.


Canyon View Residence by Brunner Architecture exemplifies thoughtful integration of architecture with its natural surroundings. By prioritizing views, leveraging environmental benefits, and creating versatile living spaces, this home stands as a testament to contemporary desert architecture, offering a haven that resonates deeply with the beauty of Joshua Tree’s landscape.

Canyon View Residence / Brunner Architecture

Canyon View Residence / Brunner Architecture

Canyon View Residence / Brunner Architecture

entry hall

dining room

living room

living room




Canyon View Residence / Brunner Architecture

Canyon View Residence / Brunner Architecture

Canyon View Residence / Brunner Architecture

floor plan

site plan

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