Fueled is a company that develops mobile applications, an activity that requires a lot of creativity and thinking out-of-the-box. With offices in several cities, the company operates like an incubator with a collective that connects several small start ups. Fueled Collective has appealed to Homepolish studio to think and design the new offices from New York focusing on the collective spaces such as the snack room, lounge areas and the fun and relaxation space.
Because the new Fueled offices serve over 30 start-ups homes, one of the project objectives was to encourage the commitment and collaboration between the various working groups. The basic idea was the interior to imitate the Victorian London and the comfort to be at a similar level of a welcoming home.
Based on this idea, designer Danielle Arps from Homepolish with help from Payton Swenson and Homepolish cofounder Noa Santos has insisted on the comfortable leather furniture, on the usage of wood with dark colors from the earthy color range and on subdued wall colors. Also, the designers have included chalk drawings on the wall, shelves made of crates and also lots of exposed light bulbs. All these are designed to keep the space feeling comfortable and cozy. Photographs by Claire Esparros.