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How to Move House Affordably When You Have a Lot of Stuff

How to Move House Affordably When You Have a Lot of Stuff

Moving is a stressful time for anyone, but when you have a lot of stuff, it can be even more overwhelming. It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of having to move all of your belongings and forget about the financial side of things. And when this happens, the cost of your move can be nothing short of hefty.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to see a smooth and successful move without necessarily spending an arm and a leg.

Read on for a few tips on how to move house affordably, even when you have a lot of stuff.

Take Inventory and Start Packing Early

Before you start packing for your move, one of the first things you’ll want to do is take inventory of all your belongings. This will help you determine what items you’ll need to move and what items you can leave behind.

As you take inventory, consider which items you can donate, sell, or recycle. Besides helping to lighten the load, this will also help to significantly lower your moving costs.

It’s important to start packing as early as possible. This will give you plenty of time to sort out your stuff, making the process less stressful and helping you stay organized. As you pack, be sure to label each box and clearly mark which room it belongs in at the new house.

Check Out Big-Name Companies With Reasonable Costs

When you have a lot of stuff, it’s important to find the right moving company. Do your research and compare different companies to find one that best fits your needs. Be sure to read customer reviews and get quotes from multiple companies. This will help you get an idea of how much the move will cost and which company will provide the best service.

Make a list of companies with the lowest moving costs around your local area, and narrow down your options based on their quotes. Depending on your needs, you may also want to consider a few other things before making your final choice on a mover.

These include:

  • Whether they offer packing, loading, off-loading, storage, and other services
  • Distance – Do they offer long-distance or international moves?
  • Their capacity – How much stuff can they move?

Pack Smartly

Pack smartly by using items you already have, like towels and blankets to cushion your items so they won’t get damaged during the move. Pack like-for-like, i.e., similar items together so they are easier to locate and unpack once they arrive at the new house.

By carefully stacking items together, for instance, packing smartly can also help maximize your packaging space as well as that of your moving van.

Use Free Boxes

Free boxes are a great way to save money on your move. Try asking friends and family if they have any boxes they don’t need. You can also check with local businesses to see if they have any extra boxes they’re willing to part with.

If you have some old newspapers lying around in your house, these can be repurposed and used during packing, especially for fragile items.

Rent a Moving Truck

As opposed to hiring a professional mover, renting a moving truck to transport your belongings can be a good way to bring the moving costs down. Many moving companies actually have trucks that they can rent out for a nominal fee.

However, the downside here is that you’ll literally have to do all the heavy lifting yourself, from packing to loading, off-loading, and getting them inside your new house. And as much as you can ask for help from friends or family members, a DIY move can be way much more stressful compared to working with moving professionals.

Moving house with a lot of stuff can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. With these pointers at your fingertips, you can easily move house affordably and with minimal stress despite having plenty of belongings.

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