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Work & Play – Expansion of Office Space for Comunal, in Lima, Peru

DA-LAB Arquitectos has designed the expansion of office space for COMUNAL, in Lima, Peru. Description by DA-LAB Arquitectos: DA-LAB has been part of the COMUNAL family for almost two years now. So when they decided to grow bigger and remodelate their spaces they called us right away. Along with Sed Estudio we joined forces to

Masquespacio Has Designed New Interiors for Academia Altimira in Barcelona

Masquespacio has recently completed this new interiors for Academia Altimira offices, located in Barcelona. Description by Masquespacio: To celebrate the 15 years of existence of Acadèmia Altimira, Laura and Mónica, sisters and owners of the academy, contacted Masquespacio with the idea to redesign their brand and space. The project that was commissioned during the summer

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