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Adrià Goula Photography

Adrià Goula Sardà

About Adrià Goula

Adrià Goula Sardà studied at Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB) being graduated in 2000. He initially worked as an architect in different architecture offices in Barcelona as well as in Paris, such as Enric Miralles and Benedetta Tagliabue (EMBT) or Yves Lion (Ateliers Lion Associated). In 2004 he began his professional career as a architectural photographer.

He has made more than 1000 national and international works for renowned architects and different public and private organizations. His work has been published as cover of several magazines (Domus, Abitare, Casabella, AMC, Tectonica, OnDiseño, Quaderns, etc.). His photos have been published in numerous monographs, books and publications such as: Frame, Mark, Arquitectura Viva, C3, Blueprit, Dwell, Detail, AIT, among others.

He has been professor of architecture photography at Sert School of COAC (Professional Architects Organization) from 2010 to 2015 and he currently lectures at Elisava (Barcelona School of Design and Engineering). He has participated in conferences, talks and workshops in different congresses and prestigious architecture schools such as ETSAB, ETSAV, IED, Elisava, Eina, University of Alcalá, University of Navarra and E.A. of Umea (Sweden).

He is currently expanding his professional domain into the moving image, creating short movies about architecture. Time, sound and movement in parallel, adding the photographic approach; this is the new material with which Adrià is working to create new ways of communicating the Architecture.

LOCATION: Barcelona, Spain
LEARN MORE: adriagoula.com

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