Corten steel cladding

CasaEnPiedras / EstudioPalacios

Casa En Piedras / Estudio Palacios

Casa En Piedras by Estudio Palacios nestles in the native forest of Córdoba, near the town of Taninga. Surrounded by quebrachos, carobs, chañars, wild apples, cactus, wildflowers, and thousands of other species, this home hides behind immense rocks and blends into the rugged landscape.

Rusty House on the Rye / Studio on the rye

Rusty House on the Rye / Studio on the Rye

Rusty House on the Rye revitalizes a 1950s property in the Holly Grove Conservation Area of Peckham, South London. Located on the corner of Bellenden Road and Rye Lane, this home has long been a familiar sight. Fourteen years ago, Victoria purchased the property and, instead of selling to developers, decided to expand her living space while honoring its heritage.

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