HomeWorldDesign - Architecture and Interior Design


Sea Bright Beach House 1

Sea Bright Beach House / Raad Studio

The design solution that resulted is the marriage of landscape and architecture. Though the neighborhood itself is graded flat, the parkland to the north is a wild original dunescape. By restoring our idea of the original natural state to the site, we created a set of hydrodynamic dunes with penetrations that allow water to sluice through the land

Alamo Square House in San Francisco, Jensen Architects 2

Alamo Square House in San Francisco / Jensen Architects

This Alamo Square house embodies San Francisco’s contemporary culture: modern yet enamored with the city’s rich history. The setting is Alamo Square Park, a city-owned park built in 1857 and known for its “Painted Ladies,” the row of Victorian homes captured on many postcards.

Kennedy House, Lazor Office 4

Kennedy House by Lazor Office

Perched above the bedrock at the shore of a remote Canadian lake, the cedar-clad Kennedy House takes formal cues from driftwood. The three-bedroom house, dock house, garage, and walled vegetable garden are linked by a series of wood walkways and decks.

Solid Concrete House Softened by the Wooden Notes in Buenos Aires

Solid Concrete House Softened by the Wooden Notes

They requested a house of permanent use with the special requirement that it should make it possible to live intensely the relationship between interior and exterior spaces, so appreciated by the clients. Another request expressed was that, although they were interested in a house built with exposed concrete, they wanted the presence of the wood to break that monochromatic expression.

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