Whidbey Dogtrot in Washington by SHED Architecture & Design
Utilizing a limited material palette, the Whidbey Dogtrot is a house that seeks to amplify the experience of living on the site through an economy of means.
Utilizing a limited material palette, the Whidbey Dogtrot is a house that seeks to amplify the experience of living on the site through an economy of means.
Briefed by the client, TR Studio were tasked to create a countryside lodge that was a flexible and multi-functional space which could be used as a workspace for the homeowners during the day
The Wall Design Studio has completed the design for the Open relaxing zone of a private house in Tbilisi, Georgia with an area of 35 sq.m.
In the southern part of Malé Kyšice town on the edge of the Křivoklát woods, there is a residential district originally home to weekend cottages.
This contemporary retreat set high atop Napa Valley’s Atlas Peak appellation, embodies modern sensibility and forward thinking in its living functionality, while connecting with its unique landscape.
Nestled on the south side of Mount Shefford (Québec, Canada), the Shefford House is divided into three main volumes that follow the curves of the land.
Hide House is a retreat from Melbourne, a place where the owners can spend increasing periods of time living and working from Venus Bay.
The The Glass Cabin has stood here, in a meadow in the Jizera Mountains, for over a hundred years. The world around it has changed since it was built from the timber and granite of the surrounding forests.