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Campaign furniture from British Raj period, by J&R Guran

Campaign furniture from British Raj period

The campaign furniture which is designed to be folded and transported on long distances was a feature of the armed expeditions along many centuries. The administrators, commanders and armies of the British Empire on the Indian subcontinent were probably the biggest consumers of campaign furniture consumption that led to the emergence of local production of high quality sustainable supplies, practical and stylish “knock- down” chairs tables, desks, beds.

The Indian designers, Raj Guram and Jeet revived this job and the market using the best materials and skilled craftsmen to design and manufacture campaign furniture of durable quality, useful and charming both at home and on trips and camps. The two managed with patience and diligence to preserve and sometimes revive endangered craft skills to produce a full range of customized furniture, where each piece there is a limited edition work of art. This campaign furniture has borrowed from sumptuousness, the aesthetics and refinement from the British Raj period. We have selected a series of comfortable campaign chairs, with excellent design, highly functional, made from the finest materials: rosewood, buff, durable canvas. Each piece of furniture has a story behind. You can find more by visiting the website of J & R Guram.

furniture from British Raj period - www.homeworlddesign.com (1)

furniture from British Raj period - www.homeworlddesign.com (2)

furniture from British Raj period - www.homeworlddesign.com (3)

furniture from British Raj period - www.homeworlddesign.com (5)

furniture from British Raj period - www.homeworlddesign.com (6)

Campaign furniture from British Raj period - www.homeworlddesign.com (4)

furniture from British Raj period - www.homeworlddesign.com (7)

Campaign furniture from British Raj period - www.homeworlddesign.com (8)

Campaign furniture from British Raj period - www.homeworlddesign.com (9)

Campaign furniture from British Raj period - www.homeworlddesign.com (10)

Campaign furniture from British Raj period - www.homeworlddesign.com (11)

Campaign furniture from British Raj period - www.homeworlddesign.com (12)

Campaign furniture from British Raj period by J&R Guran

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