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Upcycle That – reuse corks from wine bottles

Upcycle That - reuse corks from wine bottles - HomeWorldDesign (8)

Upcycle That proposes to us an interesting way to reuse corks from wine bottles! Carved inside, the cork may be a small bowl for a plant. If you attach also a magnet, this can be stuck to the fridge or of an another metal support. After how they present themselves in the pictures, these little “pots” with flowers are very cute . If you like them and want to know more about how to make them, steps that should be taken and necessary tools, you can find details on UpcycleThat. They are dear to me and I want to introduce them to you!

Upcycle That - reuse corks from wine bottles - HomeWorldDesign (1)

Upcycle That - reuse corks from wine bottles - HomeWorldDesign (2)

Upcycle That - reuse corks from wine bottles - HomeWorldDesign (3)

UpcycleThat - reuse corks from wine bottles - HomeWorldDesign (4)

UpcycleThat - reuse corks from wine bottles - HomeWorldDesign (5)

UpcycleThat - reuse corks from wine bottles - HomeWorldDesign (6)

UpcycleThat - reuse corks from wine bottles - HomeWorldDesign (7)

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