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Daniel Rozin Expose “Descent With Modification” – Interactive PomPom Mirror

Daniel Rozin expose Descent With Modification - PomPom Mirror

As participant in a modern art exhibition at bitforms gallery in New York, artist Daniel Rozin expose “Descent With Modification” from May 13 to July 1, 2015. Daniel Rozin is an artist, educator and developer, working in the area of interactive digital art. As an interactive artist Rozin creates installations and sculptures that have the unique ability to change and respond to the presence and point of view of the viewer. His latest project presented at Bitforms is an interactive mirror, called PomPom Mirror.

interactive PomPom Mirror

Descent With Modification, Bitforms Gallery

“Rozin’s anthropomorphic “PomPom Mirror” features a synchronized array of 928 spherical faux fur puffs. Organized into a three-dimensional grid of beige and black, the sculpture is controlled by hundreds of motors that build silhouettes of viewers using computer-vision. Along its surface, figures appear as fluffy animal-like representations within the picture plane, which is made permeable by a ‘push-pull’ forward and backward motion of meshed ‘pixels’. Ghostly traces fade and emerge, as the motorized composition hums in unified movement, seemingly alive and breathing as a body of its own.”

Daniel Rozin expose Descent With Modification

Pom Pom Mirror

Daniel Rozin - interactive PomPom Mirror

Daniel Rozin expose Descent With Modification - interactive PomPom Mirror (5)

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