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vacation home

River Home, Low Design Office

River Home / Low Design Office

The River home is comprised of two generic rectangular forms rotated to weave around existing trees while maintaining river views. Floor to ceiling sliding glass doors and exterior glazing over hardie panel serve as the connecting elements,

Pinamar Vacation Home by Estudio Galera Arquitectura 16

Pinamar Vacation Home / Estudio Galera Arquitectura

These comprised the first project data for a Pinamar vacation home which would offer ample spaces to gather and converse bearing in mind that, on vacations, spaces are used more placidly, the senses are awake and the contemplation of the surroundings becomes a rewarding experience.

Crete Vacation Home by Paly Architects 13

Crete Vacation Home / Paly Architects

Just outside the area Livadia Kissamou, in an arid and wild landscape where the air and the sea have rounded rocks and large boulders, a house was built in the place of an existing building- ruin that was there since 1900.

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