Home » Product Design » HotTug – Motorised Tub Perfect for Relaxing and Entertaining

HotTug – Motorised Tub Perfect for Relaxing and Entertaining

Hot-Tug Frank de Bruijn (2)

HotTug is made after a design by Supergoed, a company owned by Frank de Bruijn, a guy who works on a barge in the Rotterdam Port. Frank has a soft spot for places where the nature expresses freely. His love for freedom, camp fires, freely swimming in open waters and outdoors meals is expressed in many of his projects.

The HotTug is a hydromassage hot tub heated with wood and provided with an engine. This motorized tub allows you to enjoy a warm bath while you sail. HotTug is ideal for entertaining and relaxation with friends, whether you choose to stand or to sail.

Hot-Tug Frank de Bruijn (17)

De Bruijn, originally trained as a sculptor at the Willem de Kooning Academy from Rotterdam, is also impassioned of physics and engineering. Frank says: “It’s much more than a boat; it’s a vessel with different options. When the tug is filled, there is only a narrow rim between you and the water, making you feel at one with your surroundings.”

Frank’s long experience of wood stoves while living and working on his own barge helped him to develop a wood-burning underwater stove. This is what heats the 2000 liters of water in the HotTug to a pleasant 38 degrees Celsius (100 degrees F.) in a few hours. HotTug has been designed for several months now and it has had great success at Hiswa Boat Show in Amsterdam, in September. The designer is currently analyzing the possibility of achieving a serial production that will bring the nice motorized bath for rent on lakes and ports. The message is clear: It’s full steam ahead for the HotTug!

Hot-Tug Frank de Bruijn

HotTug Frank de Bruijn (3)

Hot-Tug Frank de Bruijn (20)

Hot-Tug Frank de Bruijn (19)

Hot-Tug Frank de Bruijn (1)

HotTug Frank de Bruijn (5)

HotTug Frank de Bruijn (7)

HotTug Frank de Bruijn (9)

HotTug Frank de Bruijn (11)

HotTug Frank de Bruijn (12)

Hot-Tug Frank de Bruijn (14)

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