Elemental House / Off-Grid Retreat Under a Big Hard Sun
Elemental house is a low impact off-grid retreat on an exposed ridge line at a place called High Camp, an hour north of Melbourne.
Elemental house is a low impact off-grid retreat on an exposed ridge line at a place called High Camp, an hour north of Melbourne.
Old Pond Way Retreat is a modern family refuge inspired by a rugged, simply crafted cabin in the Morgedal region of Norway where the client’s family have been gathering since the 1950s to enjoy nature and build memories.
The chalet du Bois Flotté (the Driftwood Chalet) is located on the gently sloping terraces overlooking Cap-à-l’Aigle and the river. In the distance, one can see the Malbaie River and the slow movement of its tides.
The Cariló house is named after the town it is built in. It is placed on a corner lot one block away from the sea. Its proximity to the beach makes a less leafy and more arid scenery, which encouraged us to intervene the landscape.
The owner of this property came to Hoedemaker Pfeiffer looking for a personal retreat inspired by a treasured stone and wood home lost to fire decades earlier in the hills of Appalachia.
The project, just to maintain the walls in the current state, plans to build a house in the house. The main apartment, created in the north-west part of the complex, is created with the insertion of a wooden box …
The Prumirim beach house is located in the northern coast of the São Paulo state – Brasil, it is laid out among the thick Atlantic woods of the Sao Paulo shoreline, a few meters from the sea.
The Eco Houses grew from a double conceptual root. On the one hand, ensuring the profitability of Pedras Salgadas Park as a tourist hotel project made the option between rehabilitating the existing hotel or building a new one a project that was as slow as it was costly.