HomeWorldDesign - Architecture and Interior Design


Fifth Avenue Office / Fogarty Finger

Tasked with designing a new office space for two financial clients, Fogarty Finger in collaboration with Kevin Dumais sought to bring an air of residential quality to the commercial environment. Relaxed formal furniture appoints the spacious interior, while large skylights are framed by suspended boxes above the foyer.

Buildertrend Corporate Office by RDG Planning & Design

Buildertrend Corporate Office / RDG Planning & Design

Buildertrend’s new corporate office repurposes a 110,000 square-foot building by effectively using existing elements of the facility. The planning of open office workspace tears down the barriers between CEOs and employees creating a cohabitating workspace.

People-Friendly Office: Codewise in Cracow, Poland 2

People-Friendly Office: Codewise in Cracow, Poland

To create a people-friendly office where they will enjoy staying during a week and where they will come on their own on Saturday or Sunday, without being forced to do so. A place where their personal and professional lives will intermingle harmoniously with each other.

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