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Eco-friendly Furniture Inspired by Portuguese Traditions

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (15)

DAM is a Portuguese design studio that combines in its projects traditional materials and techniques with a creative and innovative design. The Portuguese culture and the daily ordinary things represent inspiration for DAM in order to make eco-friendly furniture that appeal to emotions and simplicity. The parts made by DAM is the harmonious result of the collaboration between designers and artisans, they are handmade and aim to promote the Portuguese identity. I have selected a number of eco-friendly supplies made by Portuguese designers, which I hope you will like them:

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (5)
Nel and Maria are nightstands that reinterpret the craft techniques having a humoristic human character. The nightstand has an integrated lamp, whose lamp shade is made of a straw hat, typical for the Portuguese region, Baixo Mihno. Regarding the humor, the designer wants to convey to us that Mary talks too much and Nel is amazed by her speech. The nightstand is intended for domestic environments and it can adapt to children, youth and adults. Nel and Maria can be separated or can be used together and they can have different colors. The body of the nightstand is made of oak and finished with matt white lacquer and the legs and support of the lamp shade are made of ash wood finished with colorless varnish.

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (12)

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (14)

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (18)

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (16)
Pipo refers to traditional wooden barrel used for the transportation and storing of the wine. The vine and wine are part of the cultural history of Portugal and through this piece each has a small part of this culture. This piece is made of balsa, a very lightweight material and it has attached a rope that can be painted in different colors.

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (4)

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (6)

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (2)

furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (2)
Chico and Nandos are pieces of furniture made from oak finished with matt white lacquer. These pieces of drawers are lined with wallpaper with various illustrations. These pieces can have custom sizes and various colors. The manner in which the handles of the drawers are made give a human and humoristic note.

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (13)

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (17)

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (1)
Sara is a pendant lamp, which is simple and elegant and it represents according to the manufactures, the woman with straw hat, typical for the Portuguese region, Baixo Minho.

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (10)

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (21)

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (8)
Mr. Silva is a wall clock suspended of a belt which is hand woven from straws. Mr. Silva symbolizes a Portuguese householder with a friendly aspect, whose mustache corresponds to the hands of a clock. This piece can have different colors and it has an interesting decorative personality. For more about eco-friendly furniture made by Hugo Silva and Joana Santos, you can visit the website of DAM.

Eco-friendly furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (19)

furniture inspired by Portuguese traditions - HomeWorldDesign (1)

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