HomeWorldDesign - Architecture and Interior Design


Modern Holiday House Inspired by Forest Cabins 4

Modern Holiday House Inspired by Forest Cabins

The terrain that slopes gently towards the sea is typical of Cap Ferret: a small forest of strawberry tree, yucca and pines. The challenge was to design a modern holiday house that would exist in harmony with its surrounding landscape and have a limited impact on the existing vegetation.

Open Plan Home with Contemporary Design in Cape Town 8

Open Plan Home with Contemporary Design in Cape Town

Designed for a young family in the suburban area of Rondebosch, Cape Town, this house sits on an elongated site with views towards Devil’s Peak and The Back Table, which is the south-eastern edge of the iconic Table Mountain. The client’s brief called for a contemporary, open plan home that provides a relaxed lifestyle and takes advantage of the site and its views.

Bungalow-Style Additions to a 1890 Heritage Cottage 2

Bungalow-Style Additions to a 1890 Heritage Cottage

Despite some bungalow-style additions to its verandah, the street-facing south elevation of this Parnell cottage/villa remained largely faithful to the original 1890s form. To the rear, however, a miscellany of additions and alterations in a variety of architectural styles, had extended the dwelling with consequential modification to the original villa roof-line.

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