guest house

Cabin Geilo

Cabin Geilo / Lund Hagem

Cabin Geilo is a Norwegian traditional retreat designed by Lund Hagem, an architecture and urban design practice based in Oslo, Norway. Situated at 982 meters above sea level, this cabin has harsh winter conditions and heavy snowfall. The site has a panoramic view overlooking the valley of Geilo. During winter the cabin is only accessible with ski […]

Guesthouse in the Countryside 1

Guesthouse in the Countryside, Polska / Loft Kolasinski

Designer: Studio Loft Kolasiński Project: Guesthouse in the Countryside Date: 2016 Location: Chociwle, Poland Area: 250 sq meter Photos: Karolina Bąk  Studio Loft Kolasiński recently designed this guest house in Chociwle, Polska. A complex project of a guesthouse situated on the edge of the forest surrounded with ponds. The scope of ourwork included designing several guest

WE Guest House 3

WE Guest House by TA Dumbleton Architect PC

Inspired by old farms, TA Dumbleton Architect PC have recently completed WE Guest House in Bridgehampton, NY, United States. Elegant and timeless, the WE Guest House is reminiscent of an old farmhouse, while featuring clean, modern lines and architecture. Full, double-height windows maximize the relationship with the gardens and open every space of the house to

Rustic Barn 7

1870 Rustic Barn Restored by Douglas VanderHorn Architects

Architects: Douglas VanderHorn Architects Project: Rustic Barn Location: Greenwich, Connecticut Photography: Woodruff Brown Photography This huge, sawn-timber hay barn was originally built circa 1870. Located in Greenwich, this rustic barn was recently restored and renovated by Douglas VanderHorn Architects. The restored barn is now a guest house, garage and wine cellar for a residential estate

Sekeping Tenggiri Retreat by Seksan Design

Architecture and Interior Design: Seksan Design Project: Sekeping Tenggiri Retreat Location: Bangsar, Malaysia Photographs: Soopakorn Srisakul Description text: Habitat My Sekeping Tenggiri Retreat was designed by Seksan Design in Bangsar, Malaysia. What first began as an intermediate and corner terrace houses were beautifully transformed by Seksan Design as an urban retreat within the city. Located

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